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Monday, February 15, 2010


Hi !!
As I m here after a long time to write something for those who anyhow related to me. It might not be accurate in the exact language that what?? Actually I want to share...
Most of the people think that if in any way they got another chance to do the particular work which they want to do in there life then I m sure they would do that particular work in a best way.
But over n all they thought that the "TIME HAS PASSED" and they can't do any thing regards that...and they become 'frustrated' and feel like they have 'Lost' the race of life.
For all those, I just want to share something...LIKE you SEE in a particular season an OLD TREE shed all its leaves ,to the bottom of everyone's foot and also make itself look like an soulless 'WOODENBARK' which has no more life in it, or look like a deadbody..
But as we all see it ,in the coming season the NEW epics start growing from that hard wooden bark and after some time we see that particular tree is taking new birth from its own soulless like structure and look like a new TREE having full of NEW ENERGY in it...
LIKE that an individual can also make a new birth of his own ,from the ash of his work which are done by him in past by which he not at all satisfied . .BUT,,,,Like the TREE
He can make his life like a new birth of his own soul from the past one. After that birth he will surely "ENJOY" the part of life which the GOD in real want’s to give him....

By : vibha


Yogesh Luthra said...

gud examples,explained ur thoughts successfully.
like a gd writer. which you always has been.

Unknown said...

nice thoughts..keep writing